Four London Book Tag



Hello everyone!

This tag is inspired by the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab, and was created by Arkon and Annie ! I wasn’t actually tagged to do this, but I saw it on Emma’s Library and couldn’t resist, especially since I just finished the series and am still all wrapped up in it!

I’ve also chosen to use the wonderful graphics created by Arkon and Annie, and you can as well as long as you remember to credit them!

Now without further ado, here we go!


This is a really tough one but I think I have to say The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer. Twilight gets so much hate (mostly from people who have only seen the movies) and while yes, I agree that it definitely has flaws and can be a little bit cheesy, I also remember how much I loved it way back when I first read it. Twilight was the book that transitioned me from children’s books to YA books so it’s a big part of my reading history, and since I was new to the genre it felt very new and unique to me when I read it. Basically it will always have a special place in my heart despite what everyone says.


A series I’ve decided to leave behind forever is The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. While I absolutely loved the first two books, and still do, by the time the third one came out I had already forgotten so many details. Then the ending was spoiled for me. If you’ve read the books then I’m sure you understand now why I have no desire to go back and finish the third book. I will just patiently wait for the last movie to come out.


I wouldn’t say it was majorly bad, but Need by Carrie Jones was just meh. The cover is pretty and the fact that the main character knows all of the phobias was pretty cool but the story itself didn’t really grip me.


I am literally so blessed to have read the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas. Seriously. It’s a gift. Book 2 and 3 especially have consumed by soul and there is no going back. I will be obsessed forever and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


I haven’t read any book enough times to be able to use the phrase “every time I read it”. There’s a number of books I’ve read twice but thats probably the highest amount. Not to say there won’t be more, but as of right now, its only twice. That being said, for this question I’ll go with Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. I reread the series last fall and noticed some things I didn’t notice the first time, but still loved it so so much!


The Wizarding World of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling is a world that I think most of us would like to live in. Not just for the magic, but for the characters we’ve all fallen in love with. But being one of the most magical fictional worlds, The Wizarding World also comes with a lot of evil. Specifically in the form of Voldemort and Umbridge and dementors. It would be both an amazing and scary place to live.


I think this has to be the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. I didn’t love the first book and it was totally not what I expected, but I did really enjoy the second and third books!


This graphic is supposed to be seen if you tilt your screen a certain way, but I’ll repeat it since it’s hard to see:

A book/series that you would kill for.

I would kill to have the next four books of The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon in my hands!! The first three were so goof, I just want more!


I would save The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It’s one of my all time favourites, and so beautifully written. I would read it again and again if I had enough time.


The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas utterly consumed me! I read all four books that were out plus the prequel in less than 2 weeks last summer. I just couldn’t put them down! I NEED MORE!


It’s not that I refuse to open it, but I just have no desire to read The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. I know it’s very popular, and maybe that will change one day, but for now it’s not even on my tbr.


Sarah J Maas 100%. I am SJM trash and I will read anything she writes. Cassandra Clare is also pretty high up there on the taking my money list.


What character/s from the Shades of Magic trilogy would you like to see have a spinoff?

I think a spin off about Nasi from White London, who we met in A Conjuring of Light would be interesting!


If you could rule one of the four Londons, which one would you rule?

Red London! I would say White London but I likely wouldn’t be the one to restore the power and I just loved seeing precious Holland on the throne so nope. I wouldn’t want to take Rhy off the Red London throne either but hypothetically, Red London would be the best city to rule so.

And that’s it! That was super fun even though it took me forever to do it lol!


If I tag you and you haven’t read the Shades of Magic books yet, feel free to do it anyways! You don’t need to have read them!

I tag:

Read to Inspire

Traveling Across Pages

Taylor is Reading

And everyone else who wants to do this tag!

12 thoughts on “Four London Book Tag

  1. There are so many things that you’ve said that we have to discuss🙏 SCREAMS BECAUSE EXCITING!

    Absolute yes to the next four books in The Bone Season series because they’re gorgeous and we eagerly (read desperately) need the special hardcover edition that’s going to be released for each one!
    The cover of The Song Rising was just😍😍

    WE ARE WITH YOU ON NASI NEEDING A SPINOFF. We want it and you want it and everyone else should really, really want it. She’s intriguing and gripping and she had barely and page time😐

    Also, The Book Thief. Oh holy book gods. The entire thing is so beautiful and moving and we don’t actually a copy of it on our shelves, but that’s a financial failing not a personal one😂😂 An avid book lover has to prioritise getting new releases sometimes because we’re all just greedy souls AND MORE THAN OFTEN THE FAVOURITE THAT WE READ A FEW YEARS AGO HAS TO GO ON THE BACK BURNER.

    Sad time. Sad times.

    *insert violin music here*

    *And insert our gratitude to you for doing this post here*


    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG YES THE SPECIAL EDITIONS!! They’re so much nicer than the new ones 😭😍
      And yes!! I want to know more about her and see how she changes after Ojka’s influence!
      Also, I totally understand the book buyer’s financial struggle 😂 there are too many books to buy and I spend way too much time bargain book shopping!! 😂
      Thanks for creating the awesome tag!! ♥️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We’re just so glad so many people liked it! And yes🙌 The special editions are easily the most wonderful looking novels we own. Well, the only special edition because there is currently only one as you know and that’s a tragedy😭

        Also, we had not thought of how Okja’s influence would affect Nasi’s future. THAT’S DEFINITELY SOMETHING WE’RE GOING TO SPEND ENDLESS HOURS CONTEMPLATING…we will be driven to confusion with it all😂

        And yes! There are far too many books to buy. We’ll be needing an extended lifetime to just get through everything on our TBR now because the book gods know that us readers tend to ignore and get distracted when it comes to reading that towering pile of fiction😱😶😂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. In complete agreement with needing the next four books to the Bone Season. I will also be wanting the special edition covers for them all because the one for The Song Rising is beautiful and amazing.

    I also understand what you mean about The Raven Cycle. I like it but I believe it is hugely overhyped, and I’ll be completely fine if I never read it again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so beautiful, and it’s signed! I’m nervous that everyone will want the special edition ones though and that it’ll be hard to get one 😬😭

      And yes! The idea only even sounds mediocre. The only reason I would want to read it is so I could know what everyone is talking about all the time, but even then I don’t care that much.


      1. Yeah, I pre-ordered the Song Rising and I think that is what I’ll have to do with the next ones that come out.

        I only read The Raven Cycle so I could understand the hype, and I didn’t get it. I’m also not a huge fan of Maggie Stiefvater’s writing. I liked it in TRC but when I tried reading the Scorpio Races, I couldn’t get into it. I think her books just aren’t for me.


  3. Oooh I love this tag!! And I agree with most of your answers. SJM is amazing!! And the Red Queen books just Lee getting better as they go on. I can’t wait for the fourth one!!

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